Saturday, 7 February 2015

Colourful Language

Dear Miya,

I have complimented you before on your ability to easily incorporate new words into your vocabulary.  Over the last few months there have been numerous examples of this.  Some highlights are:

  • Daddy was teasing you about being a baby and you turned around and yelled, "I'm not a baby, damn it!"  While we encourage you to expand your vocabulary.  "Damn it" is not a phrase you should be using.  I will admit that this is likely a phrase you learned from me.  I apologize and promise to be more aware of my word choices in your presence.
  • At Christmas, you came in to discover Rhys sleeping and said, "what the hell? He's asleep again?"  Once again, this is not a phrase you need in your repertoire.  Kelsey's boyfriend, Richard, apologizes for using that phrase around you and promises to be more aware of his word choices in your presence.
Who are we kidding?  That phrase is Richard cleaning up his word choices around you.  In future, please don't repeat anything you hear him say.  Those damn, Kiwis.

Watching videos with Aunty Kelsey at Christmastime

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