Sunday, 8 February 2015

Jesse Pinkman

Dear Rhys,

Your sister isn't the only child dropping curse words into conversation these days.  The difference is that your crimes are unintentional.  It has been pointed out by a couple of people, one being your sister, that at times you mispronounce the word "boots".  Sometimes, your little toddler mouth produces an [i] sound instead of the [oo] and a [ch] replaces the [ts].  I think you see where I'm going here.  Furthermore, with your second birthday looming on the horizon, you have developed a penchant for tantrums.  Today, you had a tantrum involving boots and have I mentioned that you, currently, pronounce "no" as [yo]? Shrieks of "yoooooooo bitch" rang through the streets.  When you are 19+ watch a show called "Breaking Bad" and the humour in this will reveal itself.


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